
Tuesday 9 September 2014

So...this is Karen...and it's my first attempt at blogging....what to say, what to say...while Michael has been busy planning for the farm I have been busy with the logistics of the move, changing daycare for our little one, changing the address with services, etc, etc.  Not the romantic details of the move, but definitely making it feel more real!
Thanks to my co-worker Jamie we have found a great store in LaSalle on Malden Road where we will be purchasing our organic chicken feed, so nice and close.  Happy to support a local business for all of our farming needs!
Here's a link to their website!
They also carry other great supplies such as Mason bee houses (great pollinators!), organic seeds, etc.
On a sad note, I just heard today that Klassen blueberries, a great local family run blueberry farm is closing (due to retirement)...let me know if anyone knows how to get their hands on some of the bushes that they're clearing out...will have to look into that.
Bye for now!!


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