
Friday 31 October 2014

low egg season has begun??!!

So our egg production has taken a drastic shift downwards...which is making us rather sad and upset...could be related to weather of course as in fall and winter egg production always goes down but I also just read this article about adding new chickens into your group and am wondering if this is what's going with us.


Just as we are less productive when we’re under stress, so are laying hens. If there are dogs and kids chasing them around the barnyard, or predator attacks, things of this nature, your chickens will be living in a state of fear and won’t feel the conditions are right for laying eggs and raising a clutch of chicks. It’s also important to note that if you purchase laying hens or point of lay pullets, they will lay a few eggs after bringing them home (the ones ‘in the works’ before they left their previous coop) and then they will stop laying for a couple of weeks. So expect a dry spell with new hens. In general, keep them happy and stress free for the best egg production.


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